Autor Tema: Pueden estar espiándote con un simple correo electrónico

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10 Enero, 2021, 07:30 am
Leído 2111 veces


  • $$\Large \color{#9c57a6}\pi\,\pi\,\pi\,\pi\,\pi\,\pi$$
  • Mensajes: 4,381
  • País: ar
  • Karma: +1/-0
  • Sexo: Masculino

En esta oportunidad les quiero compartir un hecho bastante común según varias investigaciones que ocurre con la recepción de ciertos correos electrónicos a nuestras casillas personales:

Se trata del denominado seguimiento de correos electrónicos / email tracker y al parecer es bastante común - investigaciones sugieren que un 70% de todos los mails tienen este tipo de seguimiento.

Quizás muchos ya lo sepan pero para mí es un hecho novedoso el de saber que nos espían recopilando cuándo abrimos el email, ubicación aproximada de apertura, etc. De hecho he abierto uno de los mails que llegan de mi universidad y me quedé perplejo: ¡¡Muy posiblemente usan un tracker para saber cuándo abrí el mail!!

Sea como sea pueden ir a los comentarios del video y echar un vistazo a las personas que cuentan sus experiencias haciendo estas cosas, por ejemplo les transcribo el comentario fijado por el dueño del canal:

Hello, mailing list manager here (50k~350k subs for a game company) to provide some context/rant:
IMO the main reason newsletters include open tracking is because companies like gmail and hotmail will start considering you a spammer if you send mail to people who haven't opened your messages in a long time.  Even if the recipient carefully opt-ed in and requested to get news from you, if they don't open those mailings later on, you're at risk of being falsely labeled a spammer (gmail's spam detection extremely aggressively filters newsletters, even when they know people have read such messages before, because google wants senders to buy adwords instead of talking to their community directly for free).
So what we do is if people don't open X messages in a row, a newsletter might ask if you still want to receive messages.  No response and you'll stop receiving messages permanently.  This kind of filtering and tracking is basically what google wants you to do in order to not be falsely flagged as a spammer.
If you don't play google's game, they just mark you as a spammer (and they may anyway).  Some tiny fraction of your community MIGHT find your message in their spam folder and click 'not spam', but that button doesn't do much.  It doesn't add the sender to a safe sender list, it only provides a tiny global algorthmic nudge.  The next time you send to them, it'll wind up in spam again, even though they marked it as not spam!
In order to actually mark a sender as safe for the next time, you have to set up a filter, which is kind of obtuse and a ton of steps as a recipient.  Again, google is doing this intentionally because they don't want people connecting directly to their communities for free.  They want to be a platform that sells ads.  So they make it as difficult as possible for mailing list admins to get their messages to people who want them, with dozens of hoops to jump through (this tracking game is just one).
So in conclusion, fsck google (BREAK THEM UP!), you can blame them for this.  If they just made the safe sender list work like anyone would expect it to, then tracking wouldn't be as absolutely necessary as it is.  Believe me, mailing list admins would rather not hassle with tracking at all.  We just want to send a message to the people who want to hear from us, and not hit anyone who doesn't.
